I’ve been running a niche Telegram channel for a few months now, and while I’m posting content consistently, it’s been hard to get new subscribers. I keep seeing ads about buying subscribers, but I’m not sure if it’s a smart move. Does anyone here have experience with this? I don’t want to waste money on bots that don’t add any value to my channel. If there’s a good service out there that actually helps with visibility, I’d appreciate any recommendations!
Buying subscribers can be tricky if you don’t choose the right provider. I’ve tested a few, and I can confidently say that https://bulkfollows.com is one of the most reliable services. They offer high-quality subscribers that make your channel look more active, which can help attract real users. It’s important to use this as part of a larger strategy—engaging content and organic promotion are still key. But if you’re looking for a boost, this service is worth considering. Just don’t rely on it alone!
Interesting topic! I’ve seen mixed opinions on this, but it does make sense that a higher subscriber count could make a channel seem more appealing. I might check out bulkfollows too, especially since finding the first few hundred real followers is the hardest part. It’s always good to hear about firsthand experiences before jumping in!